Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Street Photography

    1.    What is Street Photography?

      It is a form of photography that focusses on the human condition within public places. 

2.    What is the ‘decisive moment’? Research this and find an example
         The decisive moment is as described by Henri Cartier Bresson is “The decisive moment, it is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as the precise organisation of forms which gives that event its proper expression.” 

3.    What does the term Juxtaposition mean? Can you find an example?
         Juxtaposition is the act or placement of 2 things, usually abstract concepts near each other     

4.    What do you think are the ethical considerations for Street Photography? 
         I would take into consideration that the subject may not want there photo taking, they don't know they're having their photo taken. I'd also take into consideration the situation they're in, for example a homeless person, as even though its a representation of life you have to consider if it is morally correct or not.   

5.    Compile a personal list of do’s and don’ts for a Street Photographer
           You should not go out of your way to take photos of children or security operations. You should also make sure that your photos do not cause offence. However a couple things you can do is smile naturally as it eases peoples nerves, ask their permission and be respectful of them.   

6.   What do you like about it? Explain the feelings the image gives you.

What I like about this image is that the subjects are centred in the frame, I also like the 2 stop signs either side of the subjects and that people in the background are looking at the dog and the man.       It gives the feeling that the man is loosing a battle with the dog and every passer by is stopping to watch how it will end.